Hi critter loving friends,
All Winners have an ANIMAL as the MAIN FOCUS.
We had wonderful entries...
Thank you all.
Our Random Winner this month is:
Please take our Winner Badge and proudly display it on your blog.
Please take our Winner Badge and proudly display it on your blog.
Then contact us at
for your Guest Designer details.
#105 Chrissy I loved seeing the process from start to finish on this beautiful card.

Heather DT
#120 Natascha
Dekker I think this little scene is so adorable and the detail she put
into creating it is fabulous!! And, add in a fun fold and this card is
# 121 Andrea Norris - love the charisma of the picture (it makes me laugh) and the beautiful coloring

Congratulations everyone, take your DT Favourite Badge and
proudly display it on your blog!