February 3, 2025


Hello dear Critters followers,

It's with a heavy heart that I have to announce today that I will be closing this blog when this challenge ends. 

If there is anyone out there who would like to keep the Critters alive, please contact me by February 28, 2025. 

Thank you for your understanding. I'll keep you updated at the end of February on how going on with the Citters!

Lovely Greetings 


  1. Sorry to hear this Doris - hope you are ok and that we still see you in blog-land. xx

  2. Sorry to hear of your decision, Doris. Blogland for paper-crafting has been around now for about 16 years or so. Just like life, blogland has its ebb and flow, ups and downs. Wishing you the best! With thoughts and prayers, Becca

  3. Thank you, Doris, for all your hard work and dedication in keeping this blog going. I'm sorry to see you close the blog, and hope you are doing well. hugs, de

  4. Well, we are all sad to see you go. It's been fun playing here. Thank you for everything. We all know it takes a lot of time and dedication to run a blog. I pray it's not bad health making you close down. Whatever is going on I'll be praying for you and praying you could find someone to run the blog. [Bunny]

  5. So sad to hear of your closing. It has always been a fun challenge. All the best for your future.

  6. I am so sorry to to see the challenge close, I hope you're doing OK XX I hope someone can take over from you to keep it going. It takes such a lot to get a challenge up and running! Unfortunately I already have a lot to do so can't be of any help, sending a great big hug Becca xx

  7. Sorry to hear this as love crafting anything with animals and have been honoured to be a GDT so thank you for all the hard work you put in since taking over. I wish you all the best for the future. Big hugs EmmaT

  8. I am sorry to see this challenge close. I have been a DT in the past, it was an honor. But even after I stepped down, I was feeling blessed that I could join this challenge every month. Hope that someone will run the challenge. Hope that everything is OK with you. Please take care of yourself. Big hugs from Greece.

  9. Sad to hear you are closing the blog Doris but what a great challenge you have given us all for so many years. You have been an inspiration and I hope you are feeling well and just need a break. Hugs Pinky

  10. So sad you are closing this blog Doris!
    I hope you are fine and thanks for all!!


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