May 31, 2024

Winner & Favourites #86


Hi critter loving friends, 

All Winners have an ANIMAL as the MAIN FOCUS.

We had wonderful entries...
Thank you all. 

Our Random Winner this month is:

#30 EmmaT

Please take our 
Winner Badge and proudly display it on your blog.
Then contact us at
for your Guest Designer details.

Our Design Team Favourites:
 #85 Mary Marsh - I love the colour scheme in this lovely card.

 On a Break

#3 Carol Gill So many cats, a great design, love it

#48 - Annie H - I really liked the colors and design
#73-The Crafty Den-  The little bees are adorable,
 the colors are fabulous and I just love the stencilled background!

#79 - Renske Wishes You - beautifully coloured and the aperture works really well.

#18 Coldwaters2 - This is  one of my favourite images and love this colour

#35 Paperesse - love this super cute image and the colours of this card. It's just fantastic and makes me smile! 

#67 EmmaT. - I love this realistic bear, stunning background and fabulous colors. And I love bears anyway.

Congratulations everyone, take your DT Favourite Badge and proudly display it on your blog!

We hope to see more of your inspirations in our new challenge beginning at midnight, June 1st (Pacific time - California)


  1. WOW thank you for both my cards being picked - thats made my day - one lucky crafter this week:-) Congrats to all the top picks, each one inspiring and thank you for running a great challenge for us animal fanatics

  2. Thank you so much for choosing my card as one of the DT favourites congratulations to all mentioned hugs
    lolo x

  3. Thank you Faith for choosing my card as your Favourite and congrats to the other ladies.
    Carol x

  4. Big thank you Gale for choosing my card as favourite. Congrats to all the top picks and winner !!!

  5. Thank you to Heather for choosing my bee card as her favourite. Congrats to the winner and all the other favourites too x x

  6. Thanks so much, Kleido, for choosing my Cheese & Wine Mice card as your last challenge favorite! I'm so glad you liked the card. Congrats to the winner and other picks, too!


We love reading your comments. If you have any suggestions or questions, please leave us a comment here.